In the Glasshouse

In the Glasshouse

Greenhouse Botanical Garden Grüningen

In 2012, after the demolition of two old greenhouses, the Botanical Garden Grüningen got a new glasshouse.

The Botanical Garden Grüningen was inaugurated in 1961 as private gardens in the Swiss canton of Zurich, near the town of Grüningen. After an eventful history those 17.000 m² large gardens are owned and financed today by a foundation of the Zürcher Kantonalbank. Between April and October, the garden is open to the public and displays large copse, trees, bushes, and also tropical and subtropical plants.

Glazed Greenhouse

In 2012, the Botanical Garden got a new greenhouse or a new glasshouse. In the run-up, two old greenhouses had been demolished and left a gap within the surrounding forest. The new greenhouse was supposed to fill this gap appropriately, and become a home for the most different tropical and subtropical plants.

The architects of buehrer wuest architekten from Zurich were hired for designing the new greenhouse. Since there were no architectural references for the design, they decided to take the structures and forms of nature as a source of inspiration.

While the floor plan is inspired by the small-scale structure of living beings – the cell -, the four columns of the supporting structure were modelled on the morphology of trees. The four supporting columns lie in the cell-like floor plan like cell nuclei, and carry the glazed roof of the greenhouse.

Glazed Roof

Every column consists of twelve groins, which continue in the shape of branches as the supporting structure of the roof. The glazed surface of the roof lies on these branches and adapts its shape to the given structure. It is folded several times and merges into the glazed outer walls. The ends of the groins of the supporting structure are connected by a circumferential rim. Thus, the building is given a clear outline. Triangular awnings over the roof surfaces, and ventilators at the sides prevent the building from overheating. The circumferential glazed façade stands on strip foundations, and is enclosed at the upper edge by the rim and the groins of the supporting structure of the roof. The panes of the glazed façade are printed with a graphic pattern for the protection of birds.

Glazed Climate Regulation Shell

The building has no partitions in the interior. As a glazed climate regulation shell, it offers a large and open space. This has been planted by papaya and banana plants, several ferns, and tropical species of succulents. Thanks to the glazed shell, the building is clearly separated from the surrounding outdoor area, but still merges with its environment into a common sphere, dominated by nature and plants.


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Helena Martins 24. July 2013 - 12:05

Yup !

Dëvvrãt Röý 24. July 2013 - 11:59


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