Sunflower Principle
Sunflower Principleby Maike Burk | 04.08.2013
Masdar Plaza
The Masdar Plaza is the new centre of the eco-city Masdar City.Masdar city is a planned city in the United Arab Emirates. This “city of the future” is being created 30 km in the east of Abu Dhabi, on the basis of a master plan by Foster und Partner, and is supposed to be completed in 2016. The architects of LAVA are planning a centre for this drawing board city: the Masdar Plaza, with surrounding hotels and a cinema.
Oasis meets Piazza
The draft falls back on two ideas regarding town planning: the oasis as a centre for the Arab nomads, and the typical European Piazza. The architects of LAVA were inspired by cities like Rome, Athens, and Florence: the square is the city centre, and this is where urban life takes place. The Masdar Plaza is supposed to work in the same way in the future – as a link between the surrounding hotels and shops, and as an urban meeting point. The open space is roofed by large, foldable sunshades.
Sun(flower) Protection
A temperature of 32 degrees centigrade is – unthinkable for Europeans – considered to be pleasant in Abu Dhabi. The architects intend to accomplish this value by flexible sun umbrellas, which – like sunflowers – adjust their direction according to the position of the sun. In this way, they give shade in the daytime and can be folded together at night, giving off the heat stored over the day.
The Masdar Plaza shall be shaded at 85 percent by these gigantic umbrellas. But during the hot summer months, additional measures for cooling are required. Parts of the square are actively cooled by a floor cooling. The power requirement for this cooling is met by photovoltaic cells applied to the sun umbrellas, on an area of 6.000 square metres. On an annual average, a surplus will be created that shall be fed into the public grid. But, mainly, public life takes place in the evening and at night, anyway.
Future of the planned City
The project is announced as a CO2-neutral city that is completely self-sufficient on the basis of renewable energies. The goal of the project is to make the desert state a global centre for those renewable energies. Thus, the city is supposed to become a location for universities as well. Those shall deal with the topic of ecological sustainability. The slogan of the city is: “One day all cities will be like this.” Maybe not every city, since, even in future, no objections can be made against the role models for the Masdar Plaza.
Project details
LAVA ‐ Laboratory for Visionary Architecture
31.200 m²
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