Thank God for this beautiful Church!
Thank God for this beautiful Church!by Jan Zimmermann | 19.04.2015
Community Church Knarvik
The biggest village in Nordhordland finally gets its own church. And a great one, too.5.200 people does not sound like a big or even important place. Nevertheless, Knarvik is, despite this low population, the biggest settlement and the centre of Nordhordland, the northern district of Norway’s Hordaland county (fylke). Hence, it seemed almost outrageous that the members of the community had to travel to the village of Alversund, 4 kilometres from Knarvik, to attend worship. Until 2014. Then, the new community church by Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter was consecrated. Probably, the community of Alversund looks with a jaundiced eye towards Knarvik ever since.
Geometric Forms
The new community church in Knarvik is situated, as is right and proper for sacred architecture, prominently on a hill which makes the church, apart from its spiritual function, also a geographic landmark. The cubage abstractly reflects the hilly terrain, using simple geometric forms, numerous folds and optical planes. The spire is a tetrahedron with a small cross on top of it. The main portal in the form of a large glazed door is found in a recess resulting from three overhanging trapezoidal wall components.
Towards the Heavens with Timber and Glass
The timber structure was inspired by traditional Norwegian stave churches. Vertical planks lend the church a dynamic that makes it optically flow towards the sky. Tall narrow windows along the long sides fit into this flowing motion. This makes especially the southwest side facing the village remarkably beautiful, where windows are spread over the entire façade and reach from the bottom to the edge of the roof. Here, the landscape is terrifically reflected which, in combination with a break in the façade resulting from two different floors, creates a contrasty play of light.
Bright Wood and high Edges
The programme of the church is arranged on two floors, the upper floor housing a foyer and the actual church, whereas the lower one contains offices in the first place. Just as outside, the whole interior is clad with planks. But in comparison to their weathered fellows on the outside, they are much brighter. The roof, consisting of several triangles, rises from the lowest point over the foyer towards the edges, with the western and eastern edges being the highest points besides the spire. This allows for a row of windows in a high position on the northeast side that provide the church with natural light during church service on Sunday mornings. Further light falls in many colours through a circular stained-glass window right at the end of the presbytery.
Holy Mission accomplished
For religious people, the sacred (or numinous) is the greatest asset. Therefore, sacred buildings – which eventually create a connection to the sacred – have always strived for glory. The community church in Knarvik, in its simple and beautiful grace, has its very own glory that should attract even those who have otherwise no use for the sacred.
Project details
completion: 2014
building: 2.250 m²
total planning area: 15.000 m²
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This is a beautiful church. This place is not only holy but a spectacular one. I will visit this place someday. get youtube views
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