Much ado about a Lord’s House
Much ado about a Lord’s Houseby Laura Zimmer | 20.12.2011
Centra mosque Cologne
The opening of the central mosque in Cologne was scheduled for 2012. Construction works are making good progress even without the architect.In Cologne, for the past 20 years a former factory building has been used as a mosque. In 2006, the Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion (DiTiB) has launched a competition for a new building at Venloer Straße / Kanalstraße in Köln-Ehrenfeld. The principal’s specifications were: A “worthy” parish center that integrates into the cityscape of Cologne and the local surroundings”. Cologne-based architectural firm Paul Böhm emerged victorious. But now there is trouble between the architectural bureau and its client.
Already before the mosque was built there were problems: The 37 meter high dome and the two 55 meter high minarets were a thorn in the side of some locals. However, a referendum regarding the new mosque was unsuccessful.
Bowl-shaped Wall Disks in the Prayer Room
The Cologne mosque has been designed as a six-story building. It consists of two parts, connected with each other via ramp stairs. The free space in between is the facility’s center point. A fountain, supposed to create an appropriate atmosphere, is the visual connection point of the two main levels. The mosque is designed as a multi-purpose building: The complex comprises are floor area of 16,500 m², a library on the first floor, training and seminar rooms as well as a bazaar are also part of the game. On the upper floor you were supposed to find the prayer room, the wall disks arranged in a bowl-like manner are the dome of the mosque.
“Illegitimate” Building Process
In September 2011, DiTiB dismissed the executive architectural firm Paul Böhm. The reason: Architect Böhm was said to “not live up to his own requirements in terms of design and quality”. Reasons for dismissing the architect were said to be nearly 2,000 construction defects along with skyrocketing costs. Apart from that, Christian symbols are said to have been found inside the new building. DiTiB spokesman Ayse Aydin: “As an artist Mr Böhm was brilliant, unfortunately, as a builder he has failed“.
However, opening is still scheduled for 2012. Despite the dismissal of the architect as the builder, construction works are making good progress. Sind Paul Böhm’s dismissal, a “competent team” has been asked to supervise the process, the DiTiB spokeswoman informs mapolis: “Currently, the building is getting prepared for winter, there are ten maintenance groups working at the construction site”, says Ayse Aydin.
Architect Paul Böhms comments on his dismissal like this: During the construction process the change requests made by the principal have slowed down the architect’s work numerous times. The management board of the Islamic community had been replaced in August 2010. After that the original plans were changed: A bright concrete façade used to be the idea, the new board had insisted on “pure” white. “It was never easy to build this mosque”, Paul Böhm admits. Still, he hopes for an agreement. “I still have the ambition to accompany this house until it’s completed.” He considers this project to be “his very own contribution to integration”.
Project details
Architectural firm Paul Böhm
Completion scheduled for 2012
Floor space: 6,500 m²
Die Türkisch Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion (DITIB) (Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute for Religion)
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