Mini-dwelling-towerby Maike Burk | 19.08.2014
House in Nada
A dwelling house in Nada protrudes between two single-family houses in the shape of a wooden tower.To build a single-family house on barely 37 square metres is a challenge. Because of the high land prices in Nada, Japan, a family went for a small, rather inconspicuous seeming property. The architects of Fujiwarramuro feared not be able to meet the expectations of their client on such a small space – despite the tiny dimensions, the family wanted a parking lot, a bright living room, two children's rooms, a bedroom etc.
The solution: a dwelling tower
Comprising three storeys, the wooden dwelling house towers over the adjacent buildings. Thus, a living space of 64 square metres could be created. The architects actually succeeded in making the demanded space allocation fit into the area.
At the ground floor, the structure steps back and creates a parking lot in front of the house. The entrance area follows with a bathroom, visible from the corridor. This enlarges the corridor area visually. Especially children have fun with this: the floor in the entrance area consists of wooden lamellas capable of draining water, so the children may use this area for spraying and playing with water.
Spatial relationships
The living rooms are situated at the first floor. Here, during breakfast, you sit on wooden lamellas that allow a visual relationship between the floors. By means of a skylight, light falls from the second floor down to the ground floor. When this window is opened, all floors are being ventilated.
Lengthwise, the light shaft is also a bookshelf. Missing storage space is compensated here. Further storage space can be found above the bedroom in the shape of a loft. The roof can be climbed on from there – an explicit wish of the client – and then the small house suddenly widens by the view over the city.
Project details
Fujiwarramuro Architects
area: 63,33 qm
Great layout. Spaces are well planned.
They have created a beautiful house in such a small space and they have done it in a brilliant manner. However, when it comes to finding decor items or furniture for your home you should only buy these from reputed places. For instance, if you need door or cabinet hardware you should buy these items from European Sink.
It is hard to believe that such a small place could be utilized in such a wonderful manner. The family has certainly found their dream home, now they have to make this place comfortable by installing a good HVAC system. Kay Heating and Air Conditioning is a good HVAC company which is fully prepared to provide anything you need.
It is really hard to believe that such a construction is actually possible. However, they should have done an inspection properly before constructing this building. Safety always comes first, so before building a chemical plant or storage tanks it is best to contact ChemRef Services for conducting an inspection. They could be approached at
Creating a home for a family in such a small space could indeed be challenging. But what they have done here is simply amazing and it will teach others to make good use of small space in future. However, those who have big properties should consider hiring professionals to design their outdoor space. For this they should contact CORE Outdoor Design, this company could be accessed at
Building a house in these conditions is quite difficult, an inexperienced builder couldn't obtain such results. But, a professional builder knows what he has to do to create a unique house, even though the space is tight. Also, he will use the best construction materials, including the aluminum electrodes for the welding process to have a resistant structure.
One can build a house for a family in such short space is simply incredible. However, the house looks beautiful and hopefully more people will prefer building their homes in such manner. It does not matter whether you have a big home or a small one, you have to keep it clean using eco friendly cleaning products.
No one can believe that this house was created in such small space. But they are living in it comfortably. They can make the bathroom better by installing whirlpool baths which would add a modern look.
They did not have much space but they certainly managed to create a spacious and beautiful house for the family. However, to get the best result the construction companies need to use good equipment like Cotterman ladders.
Architects who have designed this building have amazing talent, otherwise no one would have thought that in such a short space a residential place could be created. The architects and construction companies can buy their materials online now including Simpson strong ties products.
Wow… It was impossible for me to imagine such a beautiful living space in such a small area. The interiors look so elegant, but yeah there is a slight congestion. It could have made much spacious, if it was built for single occupancy or so. house cleaning services san jose ca